film and installation by Stefanos Tsivopoulos

Mixing fact and fiction, the film tells the story of an Indonesian activist who escaped execution during the Jakarta massacres of the 1960s and fled to Amsterdam. Through her diaries – which are read in the film by her granddaughter in Amsterdam – we learn about her life as an Indonesian political fugitive in the cosmopolitan Amsterdam of the 1960s. The film captures a moment in the history of Amsterdam and the world through the eyes of a displaced woman. This resonates with current global migration flows and raises questions about the human condition of refugees worldwide. The film project starts from an Indonesian object in the collection of the Tropenmuseum that once served as a dowry.

Supported by De Korte Verbeelding (a collaboration of Mondriaan Fund and Netherlands Film Fund), and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. A coproduction with Stefanos Tsivopoulos.